Residential clean
Basic House Cleaning
Dusting: Wipe surfaces, including tables, shelves, and electronics, to remove dust and allergens.
Sweeping/Mopping: Clean hard floor surfaces by sweeping and mopping as needed to avoid dirt buildup.
Vacuuming: Vacuum carpets and rugs to remove dirt, dust, and debris.
Kitchen Clean-Up:
Wipe countertops and tables.
Clean dishes or load the dishwasher.
clean inside of microwave
wipe down outside of appliances
Wipe down sinks and countertops.
Clean mirrors.
disinfect tub/shower and toilets
Implementing these tasks regularly can help maintain a clean and organized home environment.
Deep clean includes everything in the basic cleaning along with..
Wash fan blades and blinds
Wash baseboards
thoroughly clean inside oven
laundry. Wash, dry, fold/hang
Closet organizing
Pantry organizing
Carpet stain removal
Clean behind/under appliances
Wash walls